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Root Ackpine project has the following Gradle tasks:

  • :buildAckpine: a lifecycle task which builds release AARs of all Ackpine library projects;
  • :buildSamples: a lifecycle task which builds and gathers release versions of all Ackpine sample app APKs and R8 mappings into release directory;
  • :releaseChangelog: an actionable task which extracts changelog for the last release from docs/ file to changelog.txt.

Other useful tasks provided by third-party Gradle plugins:

  • :api-documentation:dokkaGenerate: generates API documentation for the library projects and places it into docs/api directory;
  • apiCheck: validates public API surface of the library projects against dumps;
  • apiDump: dumps public API surface of the library projects;
  • publishAndReleaseToMavenCentral: publishes the library projects to Maven Central repository. For further information see plugin's documentation.

Projects are added to :buildAckpine and :buildSamples tasks through dependencies block in root build.gradle.kts.

Projects are added to :api-documentation:dokkaGenerate task through dependencies block in build.gradle.kts of api-documentation project.

To serve documentation website on localhost, execute this command (requires Python 3 and Material for MkDocs to be installed):

mkdocs serve

To build release versions of sample apps you'll need to provide a keystore. For this, create a file in the root directory with the following contents:

The other way to provide these values is through environment variables. file takes precedence over environment variables.