Sessions can be configured via InstallParameters
and UninstallParameters
Session parameters¶
An instance of session parameters is created with a builder. ackpine-ktx
artifact contains DSL APIs for configuring sessions.
An example of creating a session with custom parameters:
val session = packageInstaller.createSession(baseApkUri) {
apks += apkSplitsUris
confirmation = Confirmation.DEFERRED
installerType = InstallerType.SESSION_BASED
installMode = InstallMode.InheritExisting(
packageName = "com.example.package",
dontKillApp = true
name = fileName
requireUserAction = true
requestUpdateOwnership = true
packageSource = PackageSource.Store
notification {
title = InstallMessageTitle
contentText = InstallMessage(fileName)
icon = InstallIcon
packageName = "com.example.package",
label = "Sample App",
locale = ULocale.US,
icon = iconUri
constraints(timeout = 1.minutes) {
timeoutStrategy = TimeoutStrategy.CommitEagerly
isAppNotForegroundRequired = true
isAppNotInteractingRequired = true
object InstallMessageTitle : ResolvableString.Resource() {
private const val serialVersionUID = -1310602635578779088L
override fun stringId() = R.string.install_message_title
private fun readResolve(): Any = InstallMessageTitle
class InstallMessage(fileName: String) : ResolvableString.Resource(fileName) {
override fun stringId() = R.string.install_message
private companion object {
private const val serialVersionUID = 4749568844072243110L
object InstallIcon : DrawableId {
private const val serialVersionUID = 3692803605642002954L
override fun drawableId() = R.drawable.ic_install
private fun readResolve(): Any = InstallIcon
var session = packageInstaller.createSession(new InstallParameters.Builder(baseApkUri)
.setInstallMode(new InstallMode.InheritExisting("com.example.package", true))
.setNotificationData(new NotificationData.Builder()
.setContentText(new Resources.InstallMessage(fileName))
.setPreapproval(new InstallPreapproval.Builder("com.example.package", "Sample App", ULocale.US)
.setConstraints(new InstallConstraints.Builder(60000L)
public abstract class Resources {
public static final ResolvableString INSTALL_MESSAGE_TITLE = new InstallMessageTitle();
public static final DrawableId INSTALL_ICON = new InstallIcon();
private static class InstallMessageTitle extends ResolvableString.Resource {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1310602635578779088L;
protected int stringId() {
return R.string.install_message_title;
private Object readResolve() {
public static class InstallMessage extends ResolvableString.Resource {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4749568844072243110L;
public InstallMessage(String fileName) {
protected int stringId() {
return R.string.install_message;
private static class InstallIcon implements DrawableId {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3692803605642002954L;
public int drawableId() {
return R.drawable.ic_install;
private Object readResolve() {
return Resources.INSTALL_ICON;
User's confirmation¶
A strategy for handling user's confirmation of installation or uninstallation. Can be DEFERRED
(used by default) or IMMEDIATE
(default) — user will be shown a high-priority notification which will launch confirmation activity. -
— user will be prompted to confirm installation or uninstallation right away. Suitable for launching session directly from the UI when app is in foreground.
It's also possible to configure requireUserAction
option for install sessions. It will have effect only on API level >= 31. If set to false
, user's confirmation from system won't be triggered if some conditions are met. See the details here.
is a delicate API. This option is unstable for use on different Android versions from different vendors. It's recommended to avoid using it on API level < 33 and on devices with modified OS package installer, most notably from Chinese vendors, unless your app is privileged for silent installs.
confirmation is never used in the app, it's possible to remove Ackpine's notification channel from the app's notification settings, which is used for posting confirmation notifications and is set up automatically. For this, disable automatic Ackpine initialization by adding the following lines to the app's AndroidManifest.xml
tools:node="remove" />
when initializing the app. Notification¶
It is possible to provide notification title, text and icon.
Any configuration for notification will be ignored if Confirmation
is set to IMMEDIATE
, because the notification will not be shown.
is a type used for NotificationData
text values. It allows to incapsulate an Android string resource (with arguments) which will be resolved only when notification will be shown, a hardcoded string value or a default value from Ackpine library if nothing was set.
is used as a default icon.
Session name¶
Available for install sessions. You can provide an optional session name
parameter to be used in default notification content text. It may be a name of the app being installed or a file name. It will be ignored if you specify custom notification content text or set Confirmation
Installer type¶
Available for install sessions. Ackpine supports two different package installer implementations: Android's PackageInstaller
and an intent with ACTION_INSTALL_PACKAGE
action. They're configured with InstallerType
enum with entries SESSION_BASED
builder will maintain the following invariants when configuring the installer type:
- When on API level < 21,
is always set regardless of the provided value; - When on API level >= 21 and
contains more than one entry,SESSION_BASED
is always set regardless of the provided value.
By default, the value of installer type on API level < 21 is INTENT_BASED
, and on API level >= 21 is SESSION_BASED
Install mode¶
Available for install sessions. Takes effect only when using SESSION_BASED
(default) — mode for an install session whose staged APKs should fully replace any existing APKs for the target app. -
— mode for an install session that should inherit any existing APKs for the target app, unless they have been explicitly overridden (based on split name) by the session.If there are no existing APKs for the target app, this behaves like
.Requires package name of the app being installed. If the APKs staged in the session aren't consistent with the set package name, the install will fail.
Optionally, it's possible to request the system to not kill any of the package's running processes as part of a session in which splits are being added by setting
. This option takes effect only on API level >= 34.
Available for install sessions on API level >= 34. Attempts to request the approval before committing this session. See the details here.
Preapproval requires package name of the app being installed, label representing it and locale used to get the label to be provided. Optionally, it's possible to also provide the app's icon via Uri
Available for install sessions on API level >= 34. Constraints specify the conditions to check against for the installed packages. This can be used by app stores to deliver auto updates without disrupting the user experience (referred as gentle update) - for example, an app store might hold off updates when it find out the app to update is interacting with the user. See the details here.
Installer waits for constraints to be satisfied, so to configure them, timeout duration is required to be provided after which installer will act based on set TimeoutStrategy
may be one of the following:
(default) - installer reports failure on timeout if constraints are not met.CommitEagerly
- installer commits session immediately after timeout even if constraints are not met.Retry
- installer retries waiting for constraints to be satisfied with the same timeout if constraints were not met after the first attempt. Requiresretries
parameter to be provided when created.
There's a preset for gentle updates which can be used like this:
val session = packageInstaller.createSession(apkUri) {
constraints = InstallConstraints.gentleUpdate(
timeout = 1.minutes,
timeoutStrategy = TimeoutStrategy.CommitEagerly // optional
var constraints = InstallConstraints.gentleUpdate(60000L,
/* optional */ TimeoutStrategy.COMMIT_EAGERLY);
var session = packageInstaller.createSession(new InstallParameters.Builder(apkUri)
Update ownership¶
Available for install sessions on API level >= 34.
Optionally indicate whether the package being installed needs the update ownership enforcement. Once the update ownership enforcement is enabled, the other installers will need the user action to update the package even if the installers have been granted the INSTALL_PACKAGES
permission. Default to false
. The update ownership enforcement can only be enabled on initial installation. Setting this to true
on package update is a no-op.
Package source¶
Available for install sessions.
Optionally indicates the package source of the app being installed. This is informational and may be used as a signal by the system. Default value is PackageSource.Unspecified
Setting this value to PackageSource.LocalFile
or PackageSource.DownloadedFile
will disable restricted settings for the app being installed on API level >= 33.