
A class to encapsulate constraints for installation.

Specifies the conditions to check against for the packages being installed. This can be used by app stores to deliver auto updates without disrupting the user experience (referred as gentle update) - for example, an app store might hold off updates when it find out the app to update is interacting with the user.

Takes effect only on API level >= 34 with InstallerType.SESSION_BASED installer type.

See also


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class Builder(timeoutMillis: Long)

Builder for InstallConstraints.

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object Companion
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sealed interface TimeoutStrategy : Serializable

Strategy for handling timeout when the constraints for installation were not satisfied.


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This constraint requires the app in question is not in the foreground.

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This constraint requires the app in question is not interacting with the user. User interaction includes:

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This constraint requires the app in question is not top-visible to the user. A top-visible app is showing UI at the top of the screen that the user is interacting with.

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This constraint requires the device is idle.

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This constraint requires there is no ongoing call in the device.

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The maximum time to wait, in milliseconds until the constraints are satisfied.

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Strategy for handling timeout when the constraints were not satisfied.


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toString(): String