Package-level declarations


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DSL allowing to configure installation constraints.

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DSL allowing to configure pre-commit install approval.


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inline fun InstallConstraints(timeout: Duration, configure: InstallConstraintsDsl.() -> Unit = {}): InstallConstraints

Constructs a new instance of InstallConstraints.

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inline fun InstallParameters(baseApk: Uri, configure: InstallParametersDsl.() -> Unit): InstallParameters
@RequiresApi(value = 21)
inline fun InstallParameters(apks: Iterable<Uri>, configure: InstallParametersDsl.() -> Unit): InstallParameters

Constructs a new instance of InstallParameters.

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@RequiresApi(value = 24)
inline fun InstallPreapproval(packageName: String, label: String, locale: ULocale, configure: InstallPreapprovalDsl.() -> Unit = {}): InstallPreapproval
@RequiresApi(value = 21)
inline fun InstallPreapproval(packageName: String, label: String, locale: Locale, configure: InstallPreapprovalDsl.() -> Unit = {}): InstallPreapproval
inline fun InstallPreapproval(packageName: String, label: String, languageTag: String, configure: InstallPreapprovalDsl.() -> Unit = {}): InstallPreapproval

Constructs a new instance of InstallPreapproval.

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@RequiresApi(value = 21)
inline operator fun MutableApkList.plusAssign(apk: Uri)

Adds the specified apk to this MutableApkList.

@RequiresApi(value = 21)
inline operator fun MutableApkList.plusAssign(apks: Iterable<Uri>)

Adds all elements of the given apks collection to this MutableApkList.

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@RequiresApi(value = 24)
inline fun InstallParametersDsl.preapproval(packageName: String, label: String, locale: ULocale, configure: InstallPreapprovalDsl.() -> Unit = {})
@RequiresApi(value = 21)
inline fun InstallParametersDsl.preapproval(packageName: String, label: String, locale: Locale, configure: InstallPreapprovalDsl.() -> Unit = {})
inline fun InstallParametersDsl.preapproval(packageName: String, label: String, languageTag: String, configure: InstallPreapprovalDsl.() -> Unit = {})