DSL allowing to configure parameters for creating install session.
Mutable list of APKs URIs to install in one session.
Installation constraints.
Type of the package installer implementation.
Mode for an install session. Takes effect only when using InstallerType.SESSION_BASED installer.
Indicates the package source of the app being installed. This is informational and may be used as a signal by the system.
Details for requesting the pre-commit install approval.
Optionally indicate whether the package being installed needs the update ownership enforcement. Once the update ownership enforcement is enabled, the other installers will need the user action to update the package even if the installers have been granted the INSTALL_PACKAGES
permission. Default to false
Indicate whether user action should be required when the session is committed. By default equals to true
Configures installation constraints DSL.
Configures notification DSL.
Configures pre-commit install approval DSL.